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We were delighted to welcome Marion Walsmann, Member of the European Parliament, to our beautiful new building, constructed with the support of EFRE.

28.05.2024 1 min read

Jena is a leading city in Thuringia for science and research, and our goal is to attract world-class researchers to continue their scientific careers here in this green city with constantly improving facilities.

Thanks to significant financial support from the European Regional Development Fund, we’ve built state-of-the-art laboratories and offices, enabling us to conduct high-end experiments and develop cutting-edge technologies for energy saving and energy conversion.

On 16.05.24 Professor Dr. Schubert showed the facilities of HIPOLE Jena to the guests and to Ms. Walsmann, as our Institute is located in the AWZ CEEC Jena. It was amazing to have the opportunity to discuss the already reached milestones as well as the prospects and projects we are currently working in the framework of HIPOLE Jena.